Monday, January 5, 2009

Never would have made it!!

I'm sitting here thinking about this new year & what God has in store for me & my family. I claim a blessed & prosperous 2009. The devil has been on me so much lately through many things and it's so hard to have faith when it seems like everything around you is falling apart, but at the end of the day you realize faith in Him is all you need. I've made it through so many trying times in my life & relationships & at the end of the day I realized "I MADE IT". Not because of anything I have done but because of Him. Times like this is when I realize that why He calls it Grace. God has been so good to me when I have been so undeserving. I want to be so much closer to him and I'm claiming that now. When I'm struggling through hard times I realize he is ALL I need and I turn to him, things get so much better. Sometimes I think I can handle things & I finally get to a point where I don't understand why nothing is working out & it's then I realize He's waiting for me to say "okay Lord, I don't know why things are this way but whatever it is you're trying to teach me or show me, I'm ready to listen." I know he's just waiting for me to hand it over to him.

I want to thank you Lord for all your MANY BLESSINGS that I take for granted on a daily basis. I want to thank you for everything you've done and everything you're going to do. I thank you for my wonderful husband & the marriage we have. I'm blessed to have a man that loves You as you love us. I thank you for the wonderful blessing that calls me "mommy". I realize that everything I have, I have because of you & I now realize that if it had not been for you, I NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT.

I pray if you read this that God blesses you so much that you have no place to put it all.

In Christ,

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